edoardo milesi
concrete utopias
On 26 June 2016 at 5 p.m., the Permanent School of Living and Crocevia – Foundation Alfredo and Teresita Paglione present Concrete Utopias by Edoardo Milesi, an architecture and photography exhibition with debates curated by Giovanni Gazzaneo and Giulia Anna Milesi, at the Church of Saint Clare in Lovere (Bergamo).

Church of Saint Clare – Monastery of the Poor Clares
Via Santa Maria 43 – Lovere (Bergamo)
From 26 June to 23 July 2016
Photographs by Mauro Davoli, films by Michele Milesi, projects by Edoardo Milesi & ARCHOS, and sculptures by Luca Cavalca are on display.
Speakers at the debates: Fabrizio Aimar, Alessandro Beltrami, Luca Cavalca, Guglielmo Clivati, Marcella Datei, Mauro Davoli, Donatella Forconi, Max Mandel, Luigi Marsiglia, Edoardo Milesi, Giacomo Paris, Leonardo Servadio and Annalisa Turolla.
Utopia is the real driver of art, as long as by art we mean the visionary ability to see beyond things, free from pressures from the market, from demands of clients, from commonplaces, from mainstream culture and from current feelings. It is the architect’s task to make utopias come true. The architect’s ability to interpret sensations and desires, which are almost always unconscious, and convert them into a project (pro-jecto) is only one part of their task. Being able to become part of the project and create the conditions for the dream to come true transforms the artist into an architect. The artist can afford to limit their activity to submitting a utopian proposal, while the architect must implement it through a shared process, so that their client can definitively profit from it.
The architect makes utopias come true by transforming spaces into places where relationship are built; by keeping in mind that space, its shape, its materials, its light, the sounds it contains and produces affect our behaviour; by using forms, colours, smells and memory evoked by the aforementioned elements. These elements are physical architecture tool, to control them gives us power and responsibility.
Sunday 26 June 2016 at 5:00 p.m.
Inauguration of the exhibition
Speakers: Luca Cavalca, Mauro Davoli, Giovanni Gazzaneo, Edoardo Milesi, Giulia Milesi, Leonardo Servadio
Saturday 2 July 2016 at 6:00 p.m.
Art and architecture must not console people, they must produce criticism
Speakers: Luigi Marsiglia, Edoardo Milesi, Giulia Milesi, Giacomo Paris
Saturday 9 July 2016 at 6:00 p.m.
The project: A Necessary Utopia
Speakers: Guglielmo Clivati, Marcella Datei, Edoardo Milesi, Leonardo Servadio
Saturday 16 July 2016 at 6:00 p.m.
Designing is always an act of optimism
Speakers: Alessandro Beltrami, Mauro Davoli, Donatella Forconi, Giovanni Gazzaneo, Leonardo Servadio, Annalisa Turolla
Saturday 23 July 2016 at 6:00 p.m.
Architecture does not create objects, it creates processes
Speakers: Fabrizio Aimar, Max Mandel, Edoardo Milesi, Giulia Milesi
Patronage: Municipality of Lovere, Laboratorio di Cultura, CCSVI Multiple Sclerosis Lombardy, Domenico Oprandi Foundation, A.N.L.A.I.
Main Sponsor: EdilMario Costruzioni
Sponsors: Spil-Berg Wooden Floors, Teknica Legno, Paganessi Emilio Marble
Technical sponsor: Telmotor Light Consulting
Inauguration: Sunday 26 June 2016 at 5:00 p.m.
Church of Saint Clare – Monastery of the Poor Clares
Via Santa Maria 43 – Lovere (Bergamo)
From 26 June to 23 July 2016
Opening hours: Saturday and Sunday 11:00 a.m.-01:00 p.m. | 05:00-08:00 p.m.; Monday and Friday 05:00-07:00 p.m. by appointment only
Free entrance